Exporting to the United States from Mexico: Navigating the 2024 USMCA Changes

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Exporting to the United States from Mexico: Navigating the 2024 USMCA Changes

Are you a Mexican exporter looking to do business with the United States in 2024? With the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), there are certain changes and expectations that you need to be aware of. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to navigate these changes effectively.

Understanding the USMCA

The USMCA is a trade agreement that replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on July 1, 2020. It aims to modernize and enhance the trading relationship between the three countries by addressing various issues such as labor, environment, intellectual property, and digital trade.

Key Changes for Exporters

  1. Rules of Origin: One of the significant changes under the USMCA is the updated rules of origin for various products. It is crucial for exporters to understand these rules to ensure their goods qualify for preferential treatment, such as reduced tariffs. Familiarize yourself with the specific rules applicable to your products and ensure compliance.

  2. Automotive Industry: If you are involved in the automotive industry, there are specific requirements that you must meet under the USMCA. These requirements include increased regional content requirements, higher wage thresholds for workers, and stricter regulations on steel and aluminum usage. Stay informed about these changes to avoid any disruptions in your operations.

  3. Labor and Environment: The USMCA places a greater emphasis on labor rights and environmental protection compared to NAFTA. It includes provisions that aim to improve labor standards, address issues like forced labor and child labor, and promote sustainable practices. As an exporter, you need to be aware of these provisions and ensure compliance with them.

  4. Digital Trade: With the rise of e-commerce and digital technology, the USMCA includes provisions related to digital trade. These provisions cover various aspects such as data localization, cross-border data transfers, and protection of intellectual property rights. Understand how these provisions may impact your digital trade activities and implement the necessary measures to comply with them.

What to Expect in 2024

As we move into 2024, staying updated on any developments related to the USMCA is essential. Keep an eye on any regulatory changes or updates issued by the relevant authorities in Mexico and the United States. Stay connected with industry associations, trade organizations, and government agencies to ensure you have access to the latest information and resources.

Additionally, consider conducting a comprehensive review of your current business practices and supply chain to identify any areas needing adjustments to align with the USMCA requirements. Engage with legal and customs experts who can provide guidance tailored to your specific export activities.


Exporting to the United States from Mexico in 2024 requires a thorough understanding of the USMCA changes and their implications. By staying informed, complying with the updated rules of origin, and adapting your business practices accordingly, you can navigate these changes successfully. Remember to seek professional advice when needed and leverage available resources to ensure a smooth transition into the new trading landscape.  This is Pedraza Customhouse Broker’s expertise, contact us today. GET YOUR QUOTE NOW 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or professional advice.

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